
Which States Pay More In Income Taxes Than Money Received

Land bailouts and federal spending: Which states give, and which receive?

Washington — The coronavirus crunch and the economic destruction it has wrought has opened up a divide betwixt Democratic governors and Republicans in Congress over federal assistance to states in the next regime relief package, with some GOP lawmakers arguing taxpayer dollars should non exist used to rescue states whose fiscal bug take been exacerbated by the pandemic.

The boxing over funding for states reached a fever pitch last week afterwards Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, suggested in an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt that states who face upkeep shortfalls should file for bankruptcy rather than seek federal relief. A subsequent press release from McConnell'due south office highlighting the remarks framed the thought of federal assistance flowing to states equally "blue country bailouts," since many of those hardest striking are led past Democratic governors.

The annotate prompted a fierce rebuke from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat who said New York contributes far more to federal coffers than Kentucky, which in turn receives significant sums of federal support.

"New York puts in more to the federal pot than it takes out. His country takes out more than than it puts in," Cuomo said during a press conference. "Senator McConnell, who's getting bailed out here? It's your country that is living on the coin that we generate. Your state is getting bailed out, non my country."

Indeed, a January report from the SUNY Rockefeller Institute of Government constitute that just eight states gave more to the federal regime in 2018 than they received in federal spending: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Colorado, Minnesota, Utah and Nebraska. Over the past four years, New York contributed $116.ii billion more than to the federal government than it got dorsum in federal spending.

The remaining 42 states received more than they contributed, with Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Alabama and Ohio leading.

A map showing the difference between how much coin states contribute to federal coffers and federal spending in the country. States in orangish contributed more than they received, while states in blueish contributed less. Rockefeller Institute of Government

The disparity between states tin can in part be explained by the proportion of high-income earners in a state, who pay more to the government in federal income taxes, according to the Rockefeller Institute. Individual income taxes accounted for 53.i% of federal revenues in 2018, followed by payroll taxes, and corporate income and excise taxes.

On the other end of the spectrum, states with high percentages of federal workers and government facilities, also every bit with older populations who receive Social Security or Medicare benefits, receive more from the regime. The Rockefeller Found found that direct payments to individuals under federal programs like Social Security and Medicare made upwardly 61.3% of federal expenditures, followed by grants to state and local governments for Medicaid and other safety internet programs. Federal contracts and wages too dictate which states receive more federal dollars.

The push-and-pull of states contributing to and receiving money from federal coffers has been pushed to the forefront of the legislative contend now that Congress has begun looking toward a fifth parcel.

Many states are seeing their revenue sources dwindle because of the coronavirus, which led nearly governors to upshot mandatory-stay-at-home orders and businesses to shutter. Now, they are preparing for drastic upkeep cuts.

To address the damage to state economies and address revenue shortfalls, the National Governors Association has asked lawmakers to provide $500 billion to them, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that figure could almost $one trillion. That federal help, she said, would be at the heart of the side by side measure from Congress.

Just Republicans have expressed concern that cash-strapped states would use the money to backfill their budgets or accost other priorities, like pension systems.

"Florida has made the tough choices that New York has refused to brand for decades and can get through this crisis without a bailout," GOP Senator Rick Scott said in a statement Thursday. "The federal regime should continue to reimburse states and local governments for expenses related to coronavirus response. But it's irresponsible and reckless to take coin from American taxpayers and use information technology to relieve liberal politicians like Cuomo from the consequences of their poor choices."

Scott has gone head-to-head with Cuomo over aid for states and has said his state should non be responsible for rescuing others where leaders mismanaged budgets and alimony funds.

"A crisis of this magnitude hurts everyone regardless of how well they planned, and there is a role for the federal authorities every bit an entity that tin can run deficits when states tin't to provide assistance," Jared Walczak, director of state tax policy at the Tax Foundation, told CBS News. "Just y'all don't necessarily desire to paper over every single choice that states have made over the last decade."

States and local governments received $150 billion, allocated by population, from the $ii trillion economic relief package passed by Congress last month. The CARES Act besides included $274 billion in emergency funding for states and localities.

While the $150 billion must be used for economical relief or the public health response tied to the coronavirus crisis, Walczak said the $274 billion in grants can provide flexibility to states in a cash crunch.

They can use federal grants for education, for example, to free up money earmarked for schools in their state budgets.

"States do have to spend that on public education, but what a lot of states are doing is maxim our education costs take non gone upwards, we can fund more of our education with federal dollars and pull some of our state dollars abroad and put them somewhere else," Walczak said. "It's pretty fungible. It acts almost as if information technology'south a flexible grant to the states."

He predicted a future legislative bundle may follow the model of the CARES Act, where federal aid to states and localities is population-based.

"It's simpler if you say at that place's money available that will be allocated on the basis of population to states and the recognition that any acquirement stream the country has is going to experience substantial declines," Walczak said.


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